On Tuesday, June 6, 2023, in the significant St. Antonio Church in Lugano, filled with a warm audience, the evening was opened by the welcoming speech of Mrs. Margherita Maffeis-Natale, president and founder of the Culture Ticino Network Association of Lugano. She reminded everyone that all the children in the world have the right to live in peace, in a world without wars, violence, and discrimination. Peace is a journey we must embark on every day, a constant commitment to building a better world for ourselves and future generations.







In the first part of the concert, mezzo-soprano Julia Gertseva and her choir of white voices, “La Musica,” sang beautiful songs, starting with the delicate Ave Maria by Caccini of Vavilov and concluding with the exuberant Do Re Mi by Rogers.

With the accompaniment of teacher Thomas Guggia, the 2E class of Bellinzona 2 Middle Schools sang one of the winning songs from the “Write a Song for Peace” competition launched by our Culture Ticino Network Association. Their song, titled “Canzone della Pace,” was awarded for the children’s ability to address multiple important themes, including denouncing wars, racism, and pollution, and for their clear and strong message of wanting to grow up happily.

In the second part of the concert, the “Crescendo Cantando” choir from the IRMA house of the Montessori School in Bedano, under the direction of teacher Barbara Busana, sang the song “Il Battito del Cuore,” also a winner of the competition organized by the association. The children were awarded for the originality of the idea of the “heartbeat.” The concept of peace defined by our hearts beating in unison, and especially in the same way, reminds us that we are all equal. Furthermore, the children in the song remind us that peace has no language, color, or country.

The evening continued with the brilliant performance of mezzo-soprano Julia Gertseva and her wonderful children’s choir “La Musica,” who engaged the audience during the final songs. The event was a moment of sharing and unity, where music conveyed a message of hope and peace.

To conclude, President Margherita Maffeis-Natale invited all present to upcoming charitable events, such as the 9th edition of the “Transborder Walk for Peace and the Environment” between Malcantone and Varesotto on October 12, 2023, and the 11th edition of the World Forum for Peace, taking place from November 18 to December 14, 2023, with the return of our renowned “Village of Peace” on November 23 at the Lugano Congress Center!

The fundraising proceeds were allocated to projects of the Culture Ticino Network Association in Ticino and the Philippines.